PTO Meetings
The Odyssey Discovery PTO holds two types of meetings during the school year. All general meetings are held every four months starting in September. These meetings are open to everyone to attend. Board and committee meetings are held every month starting in August. Board and committee members are requested to attend to update and collaborate on projects. These meetings are also open to everyone to attend.
PTO General Membership Meetings
September 14, 7-8pm
January 11, 7-8pm
May 9, 7-8pm
PTO Board Meetings
August 3, 6-9pm
October 12, 7-8pm
November 9, 7-8pm
December 13, 7-8pm
February 8, 7-8pm
March 14, 7-8pm
April 11, 7-8pm
June 13, 7-8pm